Can music influence people’s behaviour in relation to the protection of the environment? Yes, according to a study carried out by AstraRicerche for Comieco, the Italian National Consortium for the Recovery and Recycling of Cellulose-based Packaging. This led to the launch of “Vecchio Cartone”, an original song composed by Elio e Le Storie Tese for Comieco, which aims to illustrate the rules of correct paper and cardboard collection and recycling through the language of the band.
Fewer mistakes in separate collection mean a better recycling quality. It is therefore essential to know the rules to follow, but even today, according to the results of the survey (conducted in Italy), 4 out of 10 respondents have doubts about what they can and cannot put in the paper bins. “While it is important that no contaminated materials end up in the paper bin, it is equally important that we give a second chance to all recyclable cellulosic materials” says Amelio Cecchini, President of Comieco.
With its catchy tune, “Vecchio Cartone” sums up the key message of Comieco’s campaign: in order to properly separate and recycle paper and board, the rules to follow are few and simple, and today they can also be sung.