During the Forum, held on Monday November 26th in Treviso and titled “The Venetian system between opportunities and obstacles in developing a circular economy”, a few of the most virtuous experiences of waste reduction, recovering and recycling in Veneto were introduced; among them, as a matter of fact, was Santa Giustina, represented on the occasion by Dino Vettorel, Mill Environment Manager, who talked about an innovative technology which allows the mill to recover fibres from pulper waste.
The key assumption is that mills, aside of manufacturing paper and recycled cartonboard, generate a waste stream that, with the right technologies, can be addressed to a new life.
Key of succeeding in this is the choice of raw materials and the technologies used to treat them. In Santa Giustina – which produces packaging cartonboard made of recycled fibres, which contains several improper non-cellulosic elements – thanks to the Tiger Depack technology it is possible to separate on one hand the cellulosic fibre, and on the other a clean plastic that may head towards new applications.
In Santa Giustina, the waste handling takes then an important step forward towards the opportunity of creating new products. This is a clear example of circular economy, in compliance with RDM Group’s strategy, built on strengthening its Sustainability both in terms of Health & Safety and of Environment.