The Eska Group is a global leader in the production of solid board based on 100% recycled fibers in its two factories located in The Netherlands (in Sappemeer and Hoogezand), with an overall installed yearly capacity of 290,000 tons. Solid-board applications range from luxury packaging to bookbinding, from puzzles & games to stationery.
With headquarters in Sappemeer (The Netherlands), Eska, in addition to the two production mills, has three service centres with cutting and warehouse activities respectively in the Unites States, Italy, and Spain. It also has commercial offices in the UK and Hong Kong.
Eska’s history has deep roots: a mill was opened in Sappemeer in 1879 with a mill in Hoogezand following suit in 1897. In 1993, both mills merged. Since the beginning of its journey, however, Eska has tried to maximize quality, continuous improvement and direct contact with the customer. And indeed Michele Bianchi, CEO of RDM Group, stated: “The integration of this new acquisition enables us to consolidate and accelerate the successful go-to-market strategy that Eska has applied to its customer value offering in recent years”.
“This transaction is consistent with the growth strategy we had set forth. It offers us new development opportunities on a broader geographical scale, reinforcing the resilience of our Group performances.
Eska’s product line focuses on specialty grades, similar to the portfolio of Ovaro mill. With its integration in RDM Group, we aim at implementing the same strategic multi-mill approach that has yielded visible benefits in our core WLC business,” concluded CEO Bianchi.
The price for the acquisition of the Eska Group is based on an overall Enterprise Value of €155 million, calculated on the €24.6 million EBITDA for 2020.
More information are available at this link.