On that occasion, he commented the Group’ s results and performance of the financial year 2020, which were particularly satisfactory, despite the critical general context, and confirmed the validity of the growth path undertaken by RDM Group.
Michele Bianchi commented the decision to leave the FBB business, the cartonboard production segment based on virgin fiber, in order to consolidate our WLC market position instead, namely, coated recycled cartonboard. This was done in the light of the multi-mill concept, which allows production flexibility amongst mills, thereby providing a prompt and effective solution to our clients’ needs.
Finally, RDM Group’s CEO concluded the interview by also mentioning the internal corporate plan, which mainly relies on the digitalization program that will involve all the main productive areas in the Group, and on the lean manufacturing, namely, a management system whose goal is to minimize waste and optimize production efficiency.
Following is the complete interview.