
Sustainability Plan

Sustainability has always been at the center of RDM Group’s responsible action. We developed a 2020 – 2030 long-term Sustainability Plan to address the main areas of impact.

We established our sustainability agenda in 2021, showing that sustainability is a genuine part of the way that we do business.


In 2021, RDM Group also issued a Sustainability-Linked Bond (SLB) that ties its yield to the achievement of three sustainability targets by 2025. Sustainability and finance are strongly linked at RDM Group, therefore, we published the Sustainability-Linked Bond in 2021 to raise the bar on water and waste targets, while keeping the ambitious CO2 target.


The Goals marked in bold are part of the Sustainability-Linked Bond.


Goal Baseline 2020 Progress 2023 % Target Status
Reduce Scope 1 and Scope 2 CO2 equivalent emissions per ton of net salable production 0.495 tCO2e/t 0.500 tCO2e/t +1% -30% by 2030 🟧
Reduce wastewater discharge per ton of net salable production 11.06 m3/t 9.39 m3/t -15% -20% by 2030 🟩
Increase the proportion of waste sent for recovery 73% 83% +14% 90% by 2030 🟩
Reduce the total amount of waste generated per ton of net salable production 181 kg/t 202 kg/t +11% -20% by 2030 🟧
Key suppliers assessed and qualified according to ESG criteria for all relevant product categories New assessment
to be started
Project set-up
phase started
100% by 2025 🟧
Implement a behavior-based safety program at all mills 1 site 5 sites 50% All mills by 2025 🟧
Increase the employee advocacy rate 3.98 4.03 10% 4.5 by 2030 🟩
Increase the percentage of women employed by RDM Group 9.5% 11.4% +20% +30% by 2030 🟩