
Our commitment to the environment

The cartonboard manufacturing process requires a significant energy input for the rapid dewatering and drying of the formed cartonboard sheet; in less than two minutes, the water content goes from 99% to about 7% in the finished product. Efficient resource management is crucial from both an economic and environmental standpoint.

Improving energy efficiency and reducing emissions

At RDM Group, we focus on improving the energy efficiency of our mills and aim to reduce scope 1 and 2 emissions by 30% by 2030. To achieve these goals, we have invested in high-efficiency technologies, to improve the performance of existing plants and the use of energy sources with a lower environmental impact.

Our energy policy is focused on optimizing mill efficiency through high-efficiency power plants. Most of the mills have an energy cogeneration plant that uses the most advanced energy conversion technologies to simultaneously produce electrical and thermal energy, while minimizing inefficiencies. Recovering heat helps obtain much higher yields than those required by European law. Moreover, we use guarantees of origin for green electricity to support decarbonization.



Optimizing Water Use

We are putting measures in place to reduce our impact on water sources and protect aquatic ecosystems.

We are focused on implementing responsible water management practices, the recycling and reuse of water, investments in technological solutions to close the process water loop, and the improvement of water discharge quality.


About 90% of the water withdrawn by the mills is returned to the environment. Water is primarily used in the pulping and cleaning process, as well as the sheet formation process and to produce steam and cool equipment.


To mitigate the decrease in groundwater levels, an increasing threat due to climate change, we are investing in preventing ri

sks associated with water scarcity, while also trying to be proactive with expected regulations on water withdrawals and discharges that are increasingly stringent.

Reducing Waste and Improving Waste Recovery

Our vision of a circular economy places great importance on responsible waste management, which involves minimizing waste generation, maximizing waste recovery, and ensuring the efficient use of all materials.

Nearly all the waste generated by RDM Group – 99% – is non-hazardous, while 83% of our waste is sent for recovery.


The quantity of waste generated by the board mills depends largely on the quality of the incoming raw materials, the result of an efficient paper and paperboard collection system. Therefore, RDM Group, alongside national consortia for the recovery and recycling of fiber-based packaging, promotes the development and improvement of recycling collection.


We work with reliable and authorized operators who have the necessary licenses and permits to handle and properly dispose of waste. Proper waste management practices also help to preserve water and soil quality.