Mr. Bianchi will follow Horst Bittermann who stepped down from his position after four years in office. Horst Bittermann will head a consultation and reorganization process and hold the position of Director General for Pro Carton. Winfried Mühling will continue to serve Pro Carton in the role of Marketing & Communication Director.
In Krakow, members of both industry associations CEPI Cartonboard and Pro Carton have expressed their intention to explore the possibility to join into one strong association under the name Pro Carton. The main objective is to move closer together for more effectiveness, efficiency and voice of representation through new specific work streams, Marketing & Communications and Public Affairs. The consultation process with the responsible resource, the Director General, has already started and should be completed in 2023.
The new organization will allow a stronger alignment of activities, drive synergies, strengthen the voice of the industry and enforce stronger member engagement.
Michele Bianchi, President of Pro Carton and Cepi Cartonboard: “We are convinced that the new organisation will be the right platform for the future of the European cartonboard and folding carton industry. With stronger member engagement, cooperation across industry borders, and closer collaboration with ECMA, we are confident our union will support the sustainable growth of our industry.”
Read the full press release here.