This is where one of the Group’s six factories is located, precisely RDM Villa Santa Lucia, awarded at the meeting as Index Frequency Top Performer 2017; again the plant has been selected as Best Performer Award 2017 for lowest number of accidents, on a par with RDM Magenta; at RDM Santa Giustina, instead, the Best Performer Award 2017 for accidents reduction.
Beyond the acknowledgments, however appreciable and relevant, the meeting represented a very important moment of dialogue and comparison between all the different Group realities on topics, such as Health and Safety, which certainly represent a common denominator.
“The Safety issue is my priority – were the words of managing director Michele Bianchi, who then continued: – I believe in networking and the possibility for each of us to take an example from others, and at the same time to represent ourselves as a virtuous model. We have an important task: to enhance and share the culture of Health and Safety within our daily lives. This implies responsibility and the ability to look ahead, but we have the right skills to do so”.
n fact, plant managers, RSPPs, HR managers and the various consultants involved were able to grasp the spirit of sharing with which the meeting was conceived, circulating ideas, experiences and best practices. All of this in the name of a healthy and constructive competition!