In the past 12 months, the pandemic has forced us to review our priorities and adapt to a new lifestyle. In this context, citizens have proven to recognize the value of such an important daily activity as the separate collection of paper and board. Comieco launches Paper Week in order to emphasize the importance of this gesture, which feeds a circular and virtuous supply chain; a week of digital events designed to deepen various aspects related to the world of paper and cartonboard recycling, and show adults and children what happens when the fiber-based materials are correctly delivered for separate collection. This is done through guided tour of the mills of paper and cartonboard supply chains with RicicloAperto virtuale.
The week’s program includes initiatives such as RicicloAperto virtuale, the Paper Week Challenge (a live quiz in live streaming that will see several Italian municipalities challenging each other) and virtual debates with Comieco and industry experts.
The calendar of events, with more details, is available on Comieco’s website.